Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2007 and no sign as yet of true, ubiquitous, affordable broadband in the UK. In fact, for many, it seems the problems are worsening as the digital divide widens. Last week, 50 businesses within a mile of the M25 wrote to say that despite high-level talks with BT, they are still no closer to getting connected. This includes a Guardian Editor, three Defra farms, a Royal Horticultural place, and many small farms and home businesses.

When it rains, the copper connections grind to a halt in many parts of the UK. We see copper overlay still occurring where fibre connectivity could actually be used. We see growing problems on the horizon for the Digital dividend as it will take at least 2 years to actually auction off the spectrum and make some use of it, which is likely to be commercial only as what community group can afford a national licence for wireless?

2Mbps is still a dream for far too many people in the next decade let alone this one, as are symmetrical connections so we can upload our Youtube or Google videos in less time than it takes to roast a camel.


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