Friday, February 02, 2007

Why we will finally see fibre closer to home in 2007.

Let's just remind ourselves, when was the review of rateable value of fibre due to kick in so it was based on far more reasonable rates than when the rates were set during the telecom boom? Oh, that'll be 2007......

Wonder about timetables set by incumbents etc? They are caused, more often than not, by outdated policy that has no chance of keeping up with the changes in the world. If you looked into similar policies about environmental credits etc, you would find exactly the same. There's no regulating on your feet going on, just olde worlde bloody slow grind that doesn't keep up with the necessary changes.

This is why small and innovative will win out in achieving GOOD things. They might not make as much profit, but they don't fall as hard when they can't keep up either.

Reading: Richard Branson's autobigraphy - difficult not to like the man. Even if I'm not sure what his latest project is for!


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