Thursday, February 28, 2008


As more and more people consume more and more bandwidth to do what they choose to, (Youtube etc), watch the shutters come down on the usage.

Whether it is GB (gigabits) per month, or exceeding the fair use policy, or unfair charges for 'overuse', more and more people are finding thesmeves locked down by traffic shaping morons or over charged.

Broadband is slowly becoming broadbanned. Whilst the telcos work out how they make ever yet more money out of users. And high capacity users are right now NOT wanted.

But the truth is that data costs are ever approaching zero. And so, the costs that are being levied on users are, in many cases, fictional.

They do not apply to the cost of the network currently supplying the connection.

In many cases, the costs are irrelevant to the costs of maintaining the network, especially where that network is already obsolete ie copper. The money is going into a pot to upgrade that network BIG STYLE ie to fibre next generation - the real thing. (Has anyone asked Coca Cola about sporing the upgrades?!)

There are two next gen fibre networks. NGA and NGN

Next Generation Acceess - that's to us poxy consumers
Next Generation Network - that's middle mile, between exchanges, cities etc

And that is enough for today.